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Acceptance Box: A Complete Guide


Use this feature to require an acceptance before proceeding to a payment or quote generation. You can title it for GDPR, Terms of Conditions, Refund Policies and much more.

Uses Cases, Benefits & Features

GDPR Acceptance - have your frontend users agree to GDPR before submitting quotes or payments
Terms & Conditions - have your frontend users agree to your terms & conditions
Privacy Policy - have your frontend users agree to your privacy policy
Shipping Cost & Policy - have your frontend users agree to your shipping costs and policies
Warranty & Return Policy - have your frontend users agree to your return policy
General Alerting Messages - have something for them to know for this particular month? Display this alert as an acceptance box message and your users will be sure to see it.

Watch It In Action

How to Activate & Use This Feature

Settings & Options

Video Tutorial

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Additional Information

Special Notes

You can only have one acceptance box per email quote form. You can combine two terms (GDPR and Refund Policy) into one.

HTML: you can use HTML to place a link to the terms.

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Updated on: 21/06/2024

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