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Custom Events (Trigger JS Code): A Complete Guide


Fire off custom JS code during certain events: when a user completes an email quote or when someone clicks the detailed list view.

Benefits, Features & Use Cases

Redirect To Thank You Page

After the user has successfully filled out the email quote form, redirect them to another page. This is good for conversion tracking.

window.location = ""

Send An Alert Message

Send a pop-up alert on the screen after the user has submitted a quote to their email. You can use the following code:

setTimeout(() => { jQuery('#quote-form-placeholder .df-scc-euiText.df-scc-euiText--medium').text("Thank You");}, 300);

Automatically Open Detailed List After Email Quote

Trigger the opening of the Detailed List view after the user has finished submitting a quote form.


Step 1
Step 2
Step 3

Note: Replace the "44" with your calculator ID. To find your calculator ID, press the "Embed to page" button.

Conversion Tracking | Event Measurement
Send custom Google Analytics conversion data after an event (email quote form submission, payment button clicked, opening of Detailed List View)

Code Example:

ga('send', 'event', [eventCategory], [eventAction], [eventLabel], [eventValue], [fieldsObject]);

Real Example:

ga('send', 'event', 'Videos', 'play', 'Fall Campaign');

More Information here regarding GA Analytics

You can use variables containing the items and user-submitted data for use in custom JavaScript code snippets.

'quoteItems' variable

The 'quoteItems' variable looks like the following: it will differ according to the fields of your calculator. You can use console.log to find out the detailed information about the object.

[ { "How many pages": { "name": "How many pages", "unit": "5", "value": 100, "unit_price": 100, "woo_commerce": {}, "element_price": 100, "item_total_value": 500 } }, { "Social Media Feeds": { "name": "Social Media Feeds", "unit": 1, "value": "100", "unit_price": "100", "woo_commerce": {}, "element_price": "100", "item_total_value": 100 } }, { "Logo Design": { "name": "Logo Design", "unit": 1, "value": "400", "unit_price": "400", "woo_commerce": {}, "element_price": "400", "item_total_value": 400 } }, { "Business Card Design": { "name": "Business Card Design", "unit": 1, "value": "200", "unit_price": "200", "woo_commerce": {}, "element_price": "200", "item_total_value": 200 } }, { "total": 1200 }]

'userEntries' variable (available on quote form event)

The 'userEntries' variable looks like the following, it will differ according to the fields of you have setup for quote form fields. You can use console.log to find out the detailed information about the object.

[ { "Your Name": "Nahin" }, { "Your Email": "" }, { "Your Phone": "00000000" }]

How to Activate & Use This Feature

Step 1

First, click over "Calculator Settings" on the top calculator menu

Step 2

Now, you can activate the trigger that you want to create. Once a user completes an Email Quote Form and/or once a user clicks the Detailed List Button

Step 3

Finally, just add your custom code and hit "Submit"

Additional Information

Special Notes

Do not add the <script> or </script> tags in the input box.

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Updated on: 21/06/2024

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