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Default Preselected Items: Automatically select an option during load


Streamline user experience by setting default choices for dropdowns and checkboxes that are automatically selected upon page loading. To initiate this feature, click on the item number to the left.

Uses Cases, Benefits & Features

Efficiency: Preselect specific items as the standard choice, eliminating the need for manual selection.
Guided Experience: Give users a default option, nudging them towards a preferred choice or commonly selected item.
Instant Insight: Immediately display a default total value based on the preselected items, offering users a quick overview right from the start.

How to Activate & Use This Feature

Settings & Options

For checkboxes, expand the checkbox element. The choice items will show up. Find the toggle switch at the top right of the choice items settings header, and enable the toggle switch for the items you want to make default.

For the dropdowns, expand the dropdown element. The choices of the dropdown will show up, Find the toggle switch at the top right of the choice's settings header, and enable the toggle switch for the choice you want to make default.

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Updated on: 21/06/2024

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