Articles on: Elements

Element: Text/HTML Field


This one is pretty easy. You can add HTML or plain text to your calculator form. 

Benefits, Features & Use Cases

With the HTML / Plain text element, you can add text or custom HTML to describe sections, and explain other elements.

Benefits & Features

Custom Banner Creation - Enables the design of personalized banners to enhance visual appeal and convey important messages.
Improved User Experience - Enables custom formatting and styling to guide users and highlight important information.
Dynamic Content Display - Facilitates conditional messaging based on user inputs or selections.

Use Cases

Add a title for sections
Display an alert or disclaimer message.
Use conditional logic to alert people under certain conditions.
Add an image, icon or banner to your frontend or PDF.

How to Activate & Use This Feature

To add a Text/HTML field, click on the "+Add Element" button.

And then click on the Text/HTML Field.

Settings & Options

The "Title" will help you identify this element, it will only be visible on the backend.

The "Raw Text (or HTML)" field is where the magic happens, here you can use basic HTML properties such as <b> or <i>.

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Updated on: 27/08/2024

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