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Floating Itemized List (Detailed List View): A Complete Guide


Add an itemized list (detailed list) anywhere on your page to give your users a visual representation of their quote.

Benefits, Features & Use Cases

The instant total summary allows your users to keep their attention on completing the calculator form without having to travel to any other screen.


Floating List - Add the detailed list to a sticky sidebar to make it float as the user scrolls down the page.
Increase Conversions - As your visitors are not distracted by other screens, they can focus on completing the form.
Enhanced Transparency - Allows customers to see a breakdown of costs directly on the page, increasing trust and understanding.

Use cases

Service Quotations: Ideal for service-based businesses to display detailed quotes, enhancing clarity for both service providers and clients.
E-Commerce: Retailers can leverage this for showing detailed cart summaries, improving checkout transparency.
Consultations and Bookings: Professionals in consulting or booking services can use it to detail service costs, taxes, and applicable discounts in an easily accessible format.

How to Activate & Use This Feature


Add this shortcode anywhere on your page [scc_calculator-detail idvalue='1']

Note: Change the 1 for the ID number of your calculator.

Tutorial Video

Frequently Asked Question

Q: How can I add an itemized list to my page?
You can add an itemized list by using the shortcode [scc_calculator-detail idvalue='1']. Make sure to replace '1' with the ID number of your specific calculator.

Q: What are the benefits of using an itemized list for quotes?
The itemized list provides a floating summary that follows the user as they scroll, increasing conversions by keeping users focused, and enhancing transparency by showing a detailed cost breakdown directly on the page.

Q: Can I customize the layout of the itemized list?
Currently, you cannot customize the layout of the itemized list directly. However, you can use CSS to style it according to your preferences.

Additional Information

• Multiple Totals


At this moment, you cannot customize the layout of this itemized list. However, you can use CSS to style it any way you want.

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Updated on: 21/06/2024

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