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Form Conversion Analytics: A Complete Guide


Form Conversion Analytics is an advanced tracking feature designed to assess the performance of each calculator form instance on your website. This tool allows you to monitor and analyze the number of views, interactions, and conversions each form receives, providing critical insights into the effectiveness of your online calculators.

With this data, you can identify high-performing forms, diagnose any anomalies or bottlenecks in user interaction, and make data-driven adjustments to improve user engagement and increase conversions. It's an indispensable feature for optimizing your calculator forms, enhancing the user experience, and ultimately, growing your business.

Benefits, Features & Use Cases


Gain deep insights into form performance metrics, including views, interactions, and conversions.
Identify high-performing forms to understand what's working effectively.
Detect anomalies and bottlenecks in user interaction, allowing for quick adjustments.
Drive data-informed decision-making to improve form design and layout.
Enhance user experience by understanding their interaction patterns and tailoring forms accordingly.
Boost conversion rates by optimizing calculator forms based on user behavior.

Use Cases:

Test different form designs and layouts to find the most effective one.
Compare conversion rates across various forms to allocate resources more effectively.
Track the performance of form updates or changes over time.
Identify underperforming forms and adjust design elements to improve user engagement.
Understand the impact of specific form elements on user interaction and conversion rates.

Identify & Fix UX Issues:

You have a product pricing calculator on your landing page, which is getting a high number of views as it's prominently placed. However, the interactions are low. This could be due to several UX issues, such as:

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How to Activate & Use This Feature

Settings & Options

Settings & Options

Step 1. Access The Leads & Quotes Dashboard

Video Tutorial

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Updated on: 21/06/2024

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