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Frontend Tool-Tips: Add Clarity & Guide Your Customers Through Your Services


Tooltips are hints, glossary terms, or messages that appear when a visitor hovers over or taps (on mobile devices) an element on your WordPress website. Add a tooltip to your element title to provide additional information about a particular product or service.

Benefits, Features & Use Cases


Improved User Experience: Frontend tool-tips can provide immediate explanations or additional information for form fields, leading to a smoother and more intuitive user journey.
Reduced Support Queries: By preemptively clarifying common questions or potential confusions, businesses can decrease the volume of customer support inquiries.
Enhanced Conversion Rates: Clear guidance through tool-tips can help customers complete forms more efficiently, potentially increasing the likelihood of them finalizing a purchase or inquiry.


Rich Media Integration: Allows the inclusion of images or icons within the tool-tip, providing a visually engaging way to convey information or instructions.
Customizable Titles and Body Text: Offers the flexibility to create distinct titles and detailed descriptions within each tool-tip, ensuring that the information is both relevant and easily digestible.
Call-to-Action (CTA) Buttons: Enables the addition of actionable buttons within tool-tips, guiding users towards specific actions, such as learning more about a product or visiting a related page for additional information.

Use Cases

Product Detail Clarification: Use tool-tips to offer detailed explanations or visual representations of specific product features, aiding customers in making informed decisions about customizations or variants.
Instructional Guidance: Incorporate tool-tips to guide users through complex forms or calculations, using images and step-by-step text to simplify the process.
Promotional Engagement: Utilize CTA buttons within tool-tips to direct users to related offers, detailed product information, or promotional pages, thereby increasing the potential for upselling and customer engagement.

Watch It In-Action

What It Looks Like

How to Activate & Use This Feature

Step 1.

Under the advanced options of your element.

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Updated on: 21/06/2024

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