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Highlight A Product: A way to emphasize a product or label it as new


To highlight a product as new or to add crucial information such as disclaimers, utilize visual elements or tags that grab attention. This ensures the product is easily noticeable and effectively communicates important details to customers. Want to learn more about how to do this? Continue reading our comprehensive guide for step-by-step instructions.

Benefits, Features & Use Cases

Benefits & Features

Increased Visibility: Products labeled as new or highlighted with specific tags capture more customer attention.
Enhanced Communication: Clearly communicates important details like new arrivals or special conditions through visual cues.
Boosted Sales: Attracts customers to promoted items, potentially increasing purchase rates.

Use Cases

E-commerce Stores: Mark new product arrivals as "New" to stimulate quick customer interest.
Retail Apps: Use warnings or disclaimers on products requiring special attention or restrictions.
Online Bookstores: Highlight bestsellers or newly released titles to guide customer purchasing decisions.

Live Demonstration

How to Activate & Use This Feature

Step 1

Within the SCC builder, navigate to the product you wish to mark as "new." After the title, copy and paste the provided code snippet to highlight it effectively.

Product 1 **<span style=color:red;font-weight:bold;font-size:10;>New Product</span>**

This process allows you to visually emphasize products, making them stand out as new or featured items on your platform.

Additional Information


Currently, you can use this on checkboxes, toggles, comment boxes, file upload. It currently doesn't work on dropdown menus.

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Updated on: 21/06/2024

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