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Lead Source Analytics: A Complete Guide


Take the guesswork out of your marketing strategies with our 'User Source Analytics' feature. This tool empowers you to accurately trace the journey of your users, identifying the specific platforms they arrived from, be it Facebook, Twitter, or YouTube, and the mediums they utilized, such as paid ads, organic searches, or social channels.

By providing these crucial insights, User Source Analytics allows you to gain a deeper understanding of which channels are most effective for your business. This means you can make data-driven decisions, refine your marketing initiatives, and optimize your return on investment. Embrace the benefits of User Source Analytics and let the data guide your path to success.

Uses Cases, Benefits & Features


User Journey Insights: Determine exactly where your users are coming from, whether it's platforms like Facebook, Twitter, or YouTube. This can help decide where you allocate your marketing budget.
Medium Tracking: Understand which medium is the most profitable and how leads reach you, whether through paid ads, organic searches, or social channels.
Profitability Analysis: Track the profitability of each source and medium with total price counting to optimize resource allocation.
Data-Driven Marketing: Make informed decisions for your marketing initiatives based on actionable insights, helping to increase your return on investment.

Watch It In Action

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How to Activate & Use This Feature

Settings & Options

Access The Leads & Quotes Dashboard.

The Lead Source is found inside the Leads & Quotes Dashboard.

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Updated on: 21/06/2024

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