Articles on: Features

Price & Date: How do I choose North American Or European Formats?


Learn to easily select between North American and European formats for prices and dates on your platform. This guide provides straightforward steps to adjust settings, ensuring your content aligns with your audience's preferences and regional standards.

How to Activate & Use This Feature

Currency Comma Settings

North American: 300.10

European: 300,10

Step 1

Go to the SCC global settings and select "Currency Settings".

Step 2

Manually choose your currency and currency format.

Step 3

Save your changes.

Data Format Settings

North American

North American: 12/07/2020 (mm/dd/yy)

European: 07/12/2020 (dd/mm/yy)

Step 1

Go to the SCC global settings and select "PDF Settings".

Step 2

Choose the date format you prefer for email quotes and detailed list views.

Step 3

Save your changes.

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Updated on: 21/06/2024

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