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Slider Modes: Bulk Quantity Pricing Discounts and Sliding Scale Pricing


The Slider element has four different modes for pricing structure: default pricing, bulk quantity price breaks and sliding scale. This guide provides examples of how each mode can be implemented to effectively adjust pricing strategies based on quantity or scale, catering to different sales and marketing needs.

Uses Cases, Benefits & Features

Flexibility in Pricing: Allows businesses to adjust prices based on the quantity purchased, encouraging larger orders.
Customer Attraction: Offers discounts that can attract price-sensitive customers.
Increased Sales Volume: By incentivizing bulk purchases, businesses can move more inventory quickly.

How to Activate & Use This Feature

Activate This Setting

1. Slider Unit Price + Quantity Multiplier

Adjust the total price based on the unit price and the quantity selected. Each unit's price is multiplied by the quantity.

Between 1 and 10 = $100 (per-unit price)

4 Units = $400 (total price)

2. Quantity Multiplier Only

When you want a slider to modify the quantity selected of a dropdown, checkbox, image button or other element in the same subsection.

Note: all pricing modes act as a quantity modifier. If you don't want this, place your slider in its own subsection.---

3. Bulk Pricing V1 (Tiered Discounts)

Used to calculate and display discount pricing for products or services offered in bulk, such as business cards, tickets, food orders, or subscription-based services. It encourages users to purchase more items and increases sales by showing per-unit cost savings.

Between 1 and 5 = $50 (per-unit price)
Between 6 and 10 = $45 (per-unit price)
Between 11 and 20 = $45 (per-unit price) 

8 Units = $360 (total price)

Activate This Setting

4. Bulk Pricing V2 (Cumulative Discounts)

Apply cumulative pricing based on quantity tiers.

Between 1 and 5 = $50 (per-unit price)
Between 6 and 10 = $45 (per-unit price)
Between 11 and 20 = $40 (per-unit price)
12 Units = $535 (total price) ((5 $50) + (5 $45) + (2 * $40))

5. Sliding Scale (Flat Rate per Range)

Charge a flat fee based on a specified quantity range.

Between 1 and 10 = $100 (flat price)
Between 11 and 20 = $200 (flat price) 
Between 21 and 30 = $300 (flat price)


 15 Units =$200 (total price)
Activate This Setting

General Notes Regarding the Slider Element

The slider will multiply the price of any element in the same subsection. It may best to add the slider on a separate subsection for your pricing.

The price has to follow an order. Example: 1 to 10 = $10 per unit. 11 to 20 = $9.5 per unit.

How to Switch Pricing Structure

How to Add the Pricing Ranges

Video Tutorial

Frequently Asked Question

Q: What are the different pricing modes available for the Slider element?

The Slider element offers four pricing modes: default pricing, bulk quantity price breaks, sliding scale, and quantity modifier. These modes allow businesses to adjust pricing based on quantity or scale, catering to different sales and marketing needs.

Q: How can I activate the Bulk Pricing Discounts feature?
To activate Bulk Pricing Discounts, navigate to the settings and choose the bulk pricing mode. Define the per-unit prices for different quantity ranges. For example, between 1 and 5 units = $50 per unit, 6 to 10 units = $45 per unit.

Q: Can the Slider element modify quantities of other elements?
Yes, the Slider element can modify the quantity of dropdowns, checkboxes, image buttons, or other elements in the same subsection. If you don't want this, place the slider in its own subsection.

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Updated on: 07/07/2024

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