Smart URL Feature: Create Pre-Filled Calculator Forms


The Smart URL feature lets you make special links that open your calculator form with some options already picked. This is great for sharing forms that are partly filled out, saving time for your customers.

This feature is in beta until December 2024. We don't guarantee the

Benefits, Features & Use Cases


Save time for customers
Make forms easier to use
Share specific calculator setups quickly


Create links with pre-selected options
Works with dropdowns, checkboxes, and other basic elements
Easy to use within the calculator builder

Use Cases:

Targeted Ad Campaigns: Create different Smart URLs for various customer segments. Make pre-filled calculator forms for different products or services. Use these unique URLs in your PPC ads targeting specific customer groups.
A/B Testing: Test different pre-filled options to see what converts best.Create two Smart URLs with different pre-selected choices. Use them in identical ads or email campaigns.
Seasonal Promotions: Easily update calculator forms for holiday deals or seasonal offers. Make Smart URLs with pre-filled seasonal products or discounted services. Use these in time-limited marketing campaigns.
Send customers forms with common choices already made
Create different links for different types of customers
Use in email campaigns to target specific groups

How To Activate & Use This Feature

Embed the calculator form in a page or post.
In the preview pane of the calculator form editor page, interact with the form, pick the options you want pre-filled.
Click the "Smart URL" icon in the Preview Pane header.

In the pop-up, paste the link to your calculator form page.
Click "Copy" in the "Generated Smart URL" box to get your special link.
Test the link in a new tab.

What It Looks Like (Backend)

SmartURL Settings


Q: Will this work for all elements in my form?

A: It works best with basic elements like dropdowns and checkboxes. Some complex elements might not work.

Q: How long can the URL be?

A: URLs can be pretty long, but very long ones might cause problems on some platforms.

Q: Can I change the pre-filled options later?

A: Yes, just make new choices in the preview and generate a new Smart URL.

More Information


Only works for:
Image Checkbox

Doesn't work for:
Distance-Based Calc
Text Element
Fee & Discount Adjuster
Advanced Pricing Formula
File Upload
Comment Box
Signature Box
Date Picker

Updated on: 14/08/2024

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