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SMS Quotes: A Complete Guide


We're excited to introduce the latest feature for Stylish Cost Calculator: SMS Quotes. This innovative addition allows users to effortlessly send text messages once a quote and estimate form has been completed using the cost calculator. Now, staying connected and providing instant updates to your clients has never been easier or more convenient.

Uses Cases, Benefits & Features


Immediate Communication: Sends quotes directly to clients’ mobile phones for instant access.
Enhanced Client Engagement: Keeps clients engaged with real-time updates, improving customer service.
Increased Efficiency: Streamlines the process of sharing quotes, saving time and reducing the need for follow-ups.


Automated Text Messages: Automatically sends SMS messages once a quote form is completed.
Easy Integration: Seamlessly integrates with the Stylish Cost Calculator for hassle-free setup.
Customizable Messages: Allows for customization of SMS content to tailor messages to specific client needs.

Use Cases

Service Industries: Ideal for service providers like contractors or landscapers who provide immediate estimates on-site.
Event Planning: Useful for event planners to send quick quotes to potential clients while on the move.
Sales Teams: Enables sales professionals to instantly deliver pricing information to prospects during negotiations or meetings.

How to Activate & Use This Feature


Step 1. Head to the Global Settings page of your Stylish Cost Calculator and enable this feature.

Step 2. Enter your Twilio API key and Twilio Account SID.

a. Head to

b. Copy and paste your Account SSID, API Key.

Step 3. Find your number and paste it into the Phone Number field of the Stylish Cost Calculator.

Step 4. Remove any brackets and dashes. The number should be +19095551234

Settings & Options

Text Message

In this field, you can create a customized template for your text messages. Use the provided shortcodes to dynamically insert relevant quote information into each message.


<customer-name>: Name field value on the Quote form
<calculator-total>: Total value of the quote generated
<calculator-items>: List of items in the quote

This URL is crucial for Twilio integration. By setting up this webhook, you enable your Stylish Cost Calculator application to receive and process SMS responses from your clients.

Paste this URL inside your Twilio App. From the Twilio Console, navigate to Phone Numbers > Manage > Active numbers. From the active numbers, pick the number you used as the 'send from' number. And paste the URL in the A MESSAGE COMES IN field.

Video Tutorial

Coming soon...

Frequently Asked Question

Q: How can I get notified of a text reply?

You can use Zapier or to receive alerts when a new text comes in from Twilio. Alternatively, you can utilize the 2-Way SMS dashboard screen within Stylish Cost Calculator to engage in a full 2-way conversation with the lead.

Q: How can I reply to a text and keep the conversation going?

You can now reply to the lead directly from the Stylish Cost Calculator. You don't need any other third-party SMS platforms. With this feature, Stylish Cost Calculator saves you an additional $30 per month, which is the typical cost of ClickSend and other SMS platforms.

Q: Is it possible to only send an SMS quote?

At this time, the system is built to send the email quote and SMS quote at the same time.

Q: Where can I enable the option for quote via SMS? I have it all setup but on the form, I don't see a option for it for customers to click it.

At this time, you have the following options:
Email-only quotes
Email + SMS
SMS only (coming soon)

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Updated on: 09/08/2024

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