Articles on: Integrations

Stripe Integration: Everything to know


Integrating a Stripe checkout button with your calculator is a simple process. Just locate the button at the bottom of your specific calculator instance, enter your Stripe information, and then click SAVE. The Stripe checkout function is activated at the level of the individual calculator.

Two Options

There are two ways to connect Stripe to Stylish Cost Calculator.

Option 1. Directly with Stylish Cost Calculator

Activate Stripe at the bottom of your calculator form in the dashboard. Add the Stripe API inside the Global Settings. You can use it for one-off payments and recurring payments via the subscriptions feature.

This use case is great for users who don't want an e-commerce (add-to-cart) style of checkout and for users who don't need other features of WooCommerce (quantity, stock, inventory management, user management, etc).
This is a supported feature that we made, and the rest of this article will focus on this option.

Option 2. Connecting it WooCommerce during Checkout

For users using WooCommece, you may want the Stripe to be connected during the checkout process.

This use case is great for users who need to take advantage of other WooCommerce features such as quantity, stock, inventory management, user management, etc.
There are a few plugin options to achieve this, and here is one.
This will work with Stylish Cost Calculator but is not a supported feature by us as we didn't build it.

Uses Cases, Benefits & Features

Benefits, Features & Use Cases

Quick and easy payment via Stripe
Useful for one-off and recurring payments
Direct integration of Stripe via Stylish Cost Calculator
The business that doesn't have to keep records of inventory via WooCommerce, and want to use Stripe, this feature is suitable.

How to Activate & Use This Feature

Stylish Cost Calculator can send the product/service name, quantity, and price to Stripe.

You will be able to see the user's name and email associated with their Stripe account. This information will be emailed to you upon payment completion.

All other fields (file uploads, input boxes (name, address, phone number) will be ignored.
Here is how you can activate and use this feature:

Calculator Frontend

Stripe Payment Frontend

After purchase

How To Activate?

For Option 1 (directly with Stylish Cost Calculator)

Step 1

Login into and create a new key

Step 2

Create new 'Private' key

Step 3

Name the 'Private' key

Step 4

Copy and paste this 'Private' key

Step 5

Copy and paste this 'Public' key

Step 6

SCC Global Settings - Enter your Stripe API keys.

This setting is activated at the calculator level; edit the calculator instance you wish to link, then scroll to the bottom of the calculator and click the 'Link to Stripe' checkbox. This feature is for Premium users only.


Here is a link to the article explaining the process of activating Stripe on the specific calculator.
Stripe Subscriptions: A Complete Guide


It cannot send file uploads, text inputs, PDF files, or custom fields.

Workaround: Do you need to ask for customer details or custom user input (dates/additional information/etc.)? If yes, we recommend you link to WooCommerce instead of Stripe, then install the stripe module for WooCommerce. After that, you can add a custom field to WooCommerce to gather your needed data.

Learn more here -

Video Tutorial

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Updated on: 14/08/2024

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