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Translation Feature (or change words): A Complete Guide


Tailor your forms to speak your customer's language with our Frontend Word Translation feature. This intuitive tool empowers you to modify text, adjust button labels, and make numerous other changes, all from the convenience of your backend dashboard.

Uses Cases, Benefits & Features

Serving a multilingual customer base? We've got you covered. The Frontend Word Translation feature is designed to make your calculator form universally understandable. Easily tweak labels, button texts, and other elements to resonate in any desired language.

Moreover, this feature isn't just for language translation. Want to personalize how your calculator displays the total price? Go ahead and make it say "Total Price Including Tax" or any other preferred phrasing. Whether you're adapting to different languages or just refining the wording, our feature ensures your calculator form communicates exactly how you envision.

How to Activate & Use This Feature

You can access this feature by clicking "Translations" on the upper menu in your calculator settings dashboard

Settings & Options

On the left, Frontend Words are the default words.

On the right, New Words/Translations are the custom translations to replace Frontend Words

You can add new translations by clicking on the "+ Add New Translate" button

You can delete translations by hovering over the field and clicking the "X" box

Frequently Asked Question

Q: How can I customize the language in my forms using the Frontend Word Translation feature?

You can easily modify text, button labels, and other elements from your backend dashboard to ensure your forms speak your customer's language.

Q: What are the benefits of using the Frontend Word Translation feature?
This feature helps make your calculator form universally understandable, allowing you to tweak labels and button texts for different languages or to personalize wording, like changing "Total Price" to "Total Price Including Tax."

Q: How do I activate and use the Frontend Word Translation feature?
Access this feature by clicking "Translations" in your calculator settings dashboard. From there, you can add new translations or delete existing ones with ease.

Additional Information

Custom Totals: View article

Translation Feature: View article

Conditional Logic: View article

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Updated on: 21/06/2024

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