Articles on: Integrations

Zapier: via manual webhooks (old)


In just 2-3 minutes, you will have Stylish Cost Calculator synced with your favourite apps. There's a video below.

Some ideas are:

1. Stylish Cost Calculator -> Google Sheets
Store all your leads in a Google Sheet

2. Stylish Cost Calculator -> Email
Send the quote to different employees depending on certain conditions.

3. Stylish Cost Calculator -> CRM
Add a new contact in your CRM. Tag them with the detail, quote details and more.

4. Stylish Cost Calculator -> Newsletter
Add a new lead into an email sequence (drip-feed) campaign and start feeding them emails to nurture the lead.

What Does It Send

You can learn more about which data gets sent here.


Step 1

Make A New Zap

Step 2

App Event: Webhooks

Step 3

Select 'Catch Hook'

Step 4

Copy the 'Webhook URL'

Copy the webhook
Press the big blue Continue button.
Keep Zapier open while you access SCC in another browser tab

(Stylish Cost Calculator)

Step 5

Access your calculator's dashboard in SCC

Edit your calculator
Click 'Calculator Settings'

Step 6

Select the Event you want to POST

Step 7

Paste webhook and submit

Step 8

Send a test quote

Within the dashboard, select a few items and send yourself a quote. This will trigger the webhook and send the data to Zapier.

Note: You have to select every single element in your calculator form when sending the first webhook to Zapier (or any integration software of your choice)

Step 9

Test trigger to capture the test quote you sent

Watch It In Action


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Updated on: 26/06/2024

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