Articles on: Tutorials (how to)

Business objectives: What are your goals?

There are different ways you can use Stylish Cost Calculator to achieve various business goals and objectives.

If you found more creative and interesting ways to use the cost calculator for your business, we would love to hear. Send us a message on our contact form

Pay with Paypal
- for businesses who want to use the cost calculator as a selling tool

Add to Cart
- for businesses who want to use the cost calculator as a selling tool

- for businesses who want to use the cost calculator as a selling tool

Email Quote
- for businesses who want to provide estimates on their services and discuss the billing afterwards
- great for forcing users to give their contact details for lead generation
- great for businesses who prefer to finish the sale process in-person, over-the-phone or face-to-face.

Detailed List
- for businesses who want to provide estimates on their services and discuss the billing afterwards
- great for businesses who prefer to finish the sale process in-person, over-the-phone or face-to-face.

Updated on: 21/06/2024

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