Customize the email quote message at the calculator level
How do I style my 'Email Quote', 'Detailed List' or 'Coupon' Buttons?
Font Colors: How do I change the colors of my titles, services, buttons and elements?
Customizing The Style Of The Calculator Form
Important: Understanding the math of a slider, sections vs subsections
User Action Buttons: how to trigger them with HTML (buttons on page)
Implementing Base Fees: Adding Mandatory Charges in Your Calculator Form
How to link two Distance Cost Elements?
Installing Stylish Cost Calculator Premium via zip file
Translation: Can I change words on the frontend? Can I translate words into my own language?
Business objectives: What are your goals?
Hide Buttons: How do I hide the Detailed List and other buttons?
Duplicate a list (instance) of a calculator
Ultimate Guide: How to Activate Volume Discounts Based on Product Selection or Quantity
Drag & Drop: How can I change the position (sort) my fields after building?
Updating the premium plugin.
Coupon, Detailed List Buttons: How do I remove them?
Custom Percentage Addition: Is it Possible to Include a Custom Percentage in the Calculator?
Prevent an Element from Displaying on the PDF
SCC: Migrate domains (transfer domains)
Member's Portal: How do I change my email address or payment method?
Customer Contact Details: How do I build my calculator to request their name, address, ect..
Images: How to add images to the dropdown menus
Smart URL Parameters: Automating Element Selections with JavaScript
Customize Email Quotes: a complete guide to customizing the email estimates to the customer
Master Guide - trigger a charge, fee or discount
Total Price Font Size: How do I change the size of the font size?
Installation: How to install Stylish Cost Calculator
How to build a calculator or medicine dosage calculation
Cancel Yearly Subscription: How do I cancel my yearly license subscription?
Product Selected: Charge a fee when a product is selected.
Width: How do I increase the width of the calculator container?
Block Free Email Accounts: from submitting email quote forms
License: How do I activate my premium license for Stylish Cost Calculator?
Basic back-end to front-end explained
Package Deal - How to give a discount if a user selects a products
Slider vs Quantity Box (Number Input Box)
Video - Trigger (charge) a fee if a product is selected with conditional logic
WooCommerce + File Uploads + Stripe: How to receive files and payments at the same time
Frontend Styling: I need inspiration to design my calculator's frontend look
Square Footage Calculator
How do I translate words, or change words on the frontend?
Footer Notes: How do I add footer notes to the quote form?
Submit Button: How do I add a submit button?
Zero Dollar Items: How to make a $0 item show up on the detailed list.
How to Apply and Display Mandatory Fees on the Frontend
Force item to show up on PDF or Hide Item from PDF
Frontend: How do I change my font colors on websites with black or dark backgrounds?
Adding Stylish Cost Calculator in a dark background page or section
How to Send Personalized AI Email Quotes with Stylish Cost Calculator (ultimate guide)