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Customer Contact Details: How do I build my calculator to request their name, address, ect..

Method 1 | Email Form | Form Builder

You can use the Email Quote | Form Builder to request contact details, suggestions, comments and basically any user inputs.

✔️ This method will pop up a form when the user clicks the Email Quote user action button.
X This method will not show the user details on the PDF Quote.

Method 2 | Comment Input Box

You can use the Comment Input Box (element) to request contact details, suggestions, comments and basically any user inputs.

✔️ This method will ask for the user details on the cost calculator form.
✔️ This method will display the user details on the PDF Quote.
X This method will not append the user details in the email body.

The Comment Input Box (element) wasn't originally designed to be a user name and email capture field. It was designed for comments. The Cleaning Company template (below) is an example of using it to ask for customer contact details.

"If I ask for the customer name and email on the frontend, it becomes repetitive when the Email Contact Form pops up" 

That is true. Most companies who chose to use the comment input box as user contact details form, probably aren't using the Email Quote button, and are turning it off in the frontend. Example: woocommerce users who are using the Stylish Cost Calculator as a payment tool and not a quotation tool.

Updated on: 21/06/2024

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