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Master Guide - trigger a charge, fee or discount


Welcome to the Stylish Cost Calculator help desk! Our platform empowers you to dynamically set fees, charges, or discounts using advanced conditional logic. Whether you're configuring shipping costs, package deals, or unique pricing models, our guide will provide you with the tools and insights you need to optimize your calculations for a more streamlined and user-friendly experience.

Benefits, Features & Use Cases

Package Deal: Give a discount if the user purchases a set of products or services
Admin Fee / Setup Fee: Charge a fee if the user selects a product or service that requires extra services.
Dimensional Calculations: Useful for calculating volume or area, such as length x width x height.

How to Activate & Use This Feature

Settings & Options

1. Advanced Pricing Formula

The Advanced Pricing Formula Element is a powerful feature that empowers you to tailor the final calculation results for specific elements within your application. This tool is particularly useful in a variety of scenarios, including shipping costs and package deal calculations.

Suited For

Shipping Costs: Easily calculate shipping costs based on weight, distance, or other variables.
Dimensional Calculations: Useful for calculating volume or area, such as length x width x height.
Package Deals: Combine multiple products or services for a special price.

Not Recommended For

Admin Charges: The Advanced Pricing Formula Element isn't designed to automatically trigger admin fees.
Setup Fees: Similarly, it's not ideal for calculating one-time setup or initialization charges.

2. Fee & Discount Adjuster Element w/ Conditional Logic

The Fee & Discount Adjuster Element with Conditional Logic feature allows you to add a layer of complexity to your calculations, making it highly adaptable for a variety of use-cases. This element not only performs basic arithmetic but also integrates conditional logic to offer more dynamic and versatile calculations.

Highly Effective For

Shipping Costs: Calculate shipping fees based on multiple conditions like distance, weight, or time of day.
Package Deals: Offer special bundled pricing based on customer choices or purchase volume.
Admin Fees and Discounts: Automatically apply admin fees or special discounts based on predefined conditions.

Not Recommended For

Dimensional Calculations: Not ideal for calculations that involve multiplying dimensions like length, width, and weight together.

3. Using Negative Numbers

The ability to use negative numbers in your calculations opens up new possibilities for offering discounts and incentives. By setting a checkbox or dropdown option to have a negative number, you can automatically apply discounts for customers who opt for higher-tier packages or make bulk purchases.

Perfectly Suited For

Package Deals: Automatically apply discounts when customers choose premium or bundled options.
Bulk Pricing Discounts: Offer tiered pricing to incentivize bulk purchases.
Triggering Discounts: Activate special discounts based on certain conditions or customer choices.

Not Recommended For

Dimensional Calculations: Using negative numbers is not suitable for calculations involving dimensions like length, width, and weight.
Sliding Scale: Not ideal for sliding scale calculations where values are continuously variable.

• Video Tutorial coming soon

4. Using the Slider's Pricing Structure

You can use the bulk discount or sliding scale mode of the slider

Learn more here

Updated on: 26/08/2024

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