Articles on: FAQs

Recurring payments: Is there a way of connecting to reoccurring payments in Stripe or Paypal?

Q: Recurring payments: Is there a way of connecting to recurring payments in Stripe or Paypal?

A: Yes, you can use the Stripe subscriptions feature.

How can I set up different payment frequencies (e.g., monthly, quarterly, yearly) for the same product using Stripe in Stylish Cost Calculator?

A: Currently, Stylish Cost Calculator allows you to set only one payment frequency per calculator form when using Stripe. To offer multiple payment frequencies for the same product, you'll need to create separate calculator forms for each frequency. Here's a workaround:

Create a master calculator form with your product details.
Duplicate this form for each payment frequency you want to offer (e.g., monthly, quarterly, yearly).
Adjust the Stripe settings in each form to reflect the correct payment frequency and pricing.
On your website, create buttons or links for each payment frequency option (e.g., "Monthly", "Quarterly", "Yearly").
Link each button to the corresponding calculator form with the appropriate payment frequency.

This approach allows customers to choose their preferred payment frequency before interacting with the calculator, ensuring they see the correct pricing and are billed appropriately through Stripe. While this method requires multiple calculator forms, it provides a way to offer flexible payment options to your customers.

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Updated on: 04/07/2024

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