Articles on: FAQs

Savings: How can I show a discount or savings?

Q: How can I show a discount or savings?

A: There are two main ways to display a discount or savings to the user on the front end.

Show Volume Discount Savings Feature
Per Unit Price Feature

Other Methods

1. Multiple Totals feature

Multiple Totals: Everything to know about this feature

Example site: You will see the blue box on the right; it's done with our Fee & Discount Adjuster shortcode (multiple totals) feature.

Note: You can only show the savings on the frontend of the website and not on the Quote PDF file.

2. Fee & Discount Adjuster feature.

This feature won't show savings, but you can trigger a discount by using conditions.

I.e. if this many products, then discount.

Fee & Discount Adjuster: Learn more about this feature and function

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Updated on: 26/08/2024

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