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WooCommerce + File Uploads + Stripe: How to receive files and payments at the same time

Method #1 | SCC + Stripe

This is the easiest solution, but you will not receive the image files immediately. You will receive the payment, and you will need to email the user asking for your files.

First Setup SCC with Stripe
Go to the global settings page and input your Stripe API information (25 minutes).
Go to your calculator and activate Stripe at the bottom of the page (1 second)

Add the file upload element
Add the file upload element to your price estimation form (3 mins)

Estimated Total Time to Setup: 27 Minutes

Method #2 | SCC + WooCommerce + Stripe + File Upload

With this solution, you will receive the payment and file upload (image, etc.) simultaneously.

First Setup SCC with WooCommerce
Clone all your products and services with Stylish Cost Calculator (SCC) into WooCommerce. (30 minutes)
-> For every dropdown and checkbox you have in SCC, you will need a clone of it in the products section of WooCommerce.
Turn on the integration WooCommerce into SCC- Select the option at the calculator's bottom. (1 second)

Connecting Stripe to WooCommerce
Connect Stripe to WooCommerce (separate plugin). (30 minutes)
-> Free -

Adding a file upload feature to WooCommerce
Add a file upload feature for WooCommerce. (30 minutes)
-> Guide -
->$50 -

Flow - > User selects the products they want -> User sees the total cost -> User presses Add To Cart -> User fill outs their contact information -> User uploads the files -> User Pays with Stripe

Estimated Total Time to Setup: 90 Minutes + $50

Updated on: 21/06/2024

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