Customize the email quote message at the calculator level
How do I style my 'Email Quote', 'Detailed List' or 'Coupon' Buttons?
Customizing The Style Of The Calculator Form
How to link two Distance Cost Elements?
Font Colors: How do I change the colors of my titles, services, buttons and elements?
Implementing Base Fees: Adding Mandatory Charges in Your Calculator Form
Master Guide - trigger a charge, fee or discount
Important: Understanding the math of a slider, sections vs subsections
Smart URL Parameters: Automating Element Selections with JavaScript
Business objectives: What are your goals?
User Action Buttons: how to trigger them with HTML (buttons on page)
Cancel Yearly Subscription: How do I cancel my yearly license subscription?
Member's Portal: How do I change my email address or payment method?
Installing Stylish Cost Calculator Premium via zip file
License: How do I activate my premium license for Stylish Cost Calculator?
Translation: Can I change words on the frontend? Can I translate words into my own language?
Ultimate Guide: How to Activate Volume Discounts Based on Product Selection or Quantity
Custom Percentage Addition: Is it Possible to Include a Custom Percentage in the Calculator?
Drag & Drop: How can I change the position (sort) my fields after building?
Customer Contact Details: How do I build my calculator to request their name, address, ect..
Updating the premium plugin.
Images: How to add images to the dropdown menus
Hide Buttons: How do I hide the Detailed List and other buttons?
Duplicate a list (instance) of a calculator
Prevent an Element from Displaying on the PDF
SCC: Migrate domains (transfer domains)
Total Price Font Size: How do I change the size of the font size?
Installation: How to install Stylish Cost Calculator
Coupon, Detailed List Buttons: How do I remove them?
Customize Email Quotes: a complete guide to customizing the email estimates to the customer
Width: How do I increase the width of the calculator container?
Block Free Email Accounts: from submitting email quote forms
How to build a calculator or medicine dosage calculation
Basic back-end to front-end explained
Product Selected: Charge a fee when a product is selected.
Package Deal - How to give a discount if a user selects a products
WooCommerce + File Uploads + Stripe: How to receive files and payments at the same time
Frontend Styling: I need inspiration to design my calculator's frontend look
How do I translate words, or change words on the frontend?
Slider vs Quantity Box (Number Input Box)
Video - Trigger (charge) a fee if a product is selected with conditional logic
Footer Notes: How do I add footer notes to the quote form?
Submit Button: How do I add a submit button?
Square Footage Calculator
Zero Dollar Items: How to make a $0 item show up on the detailed list.
How to Apply and Display Mandatory Fees on the Frontend
Force item to show up on PDF or Hide Item from PDF
Adding Stylish Cost Calculator in a dark background page or section
Frontend: How do I change my font colors on websites with black or dark backgrounds?
How to Send Personalized AI Email Quotes with Stylish Cost Calculator (ultimate guide)